Eli's Booksy Blog

Monday, 22 June 2020

Part 2 Book Review: The Handmaiden's Fate by Jennie Dah


Part 2 of The Handmaiden's Fate Book Review

     Hello again everyone, it's your favourite book blogger (you just don't know it yet) and I'm back with the part 2 of the book review I did last week.  

     If you've read my personal update post then you might already know that I finally finished the book so let's get reviewing.


     You might be surprised I'd rate the book like that after how many times I've said it was like the best book I've read all month (maybe year but I still have a few to finish so...) but I'm just a little sad that it ended the way it did (I'm not a fan of cliffhangers).

   This book really put my emotions through the wringer I have to tell you and I'm glad to know I'm not completely emotionless (thank you Jennie). 

      I can count the number of times that I've cried while reading a book (every single time I've read Transcendence by Shay Savage, that book was just plain beautiful) but this book was different and those emotions just hit me out of nowhere. I was totally blindsided!

      One minute I was laughing so hard waiting for another line that'd make go awww... again and it felt like every word in the book was linked directly to my heartstrings. 

      Which was why I couldn't predict what happened next and it's been a while since I've read a book that I had to wait to find out what happened next and not predict it for myself. 

      The suspense in this book just about killed me but then I got to that one scene and I didn't know whether to go on or not (partly because I knew how frustrated I'll be once the book ends since there's no book 2 yet) and then Raiza does something that I just needed to know what will come of that decision. 

      Raiza, Raiza, Raiza! Whoa what a woman! She's absolutely great and the heroine that everyone thinks they can relate to and then bam! She does something you never would in a million years.

      I mean she's strong, kind and loving and for someone who was raised as a princess that's a lot and her willingness to leave all that behind for an uncertain future was actually inspiring. 

       She's the kind of woman everyone should aspire to be everyday. It's just sad that she trusts too wholeheartedly. 

      And then there's Zaid. He is sweet and loving and for a while I understood why Raiza would leave everything behind for him but then I got so pissed when he let his anger blind him so badly he couldn't even see what he set into motion. 

       I've never been so pissed with a character in my life. I mean how could he?

      That aside, the characters were wonderful and complemented each other spectacularly and the author kept it simple, nothing too exaggerated. Every character in this book is just someone you'd find in your life be it the backstabbing friend or whatever. 

      All in all, this book isn't one I'd be forgetting anytime soon. It was epic (but it left me hanging) and y'all need to get a copy because I think it's a must read for you during this quarantine. 

      And when you're done reading it, just let me know your thoughts on it too in the comment section.

 Happy reading and Stay safe!


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